- Adolescents & Teens Health
- 20s Health
- 30s Health
- 40s Health
- 50s Plus Health
Looking for a women's health provider? Women's Health Services offers routine health checkups and treatment for specialty conditions, providing quality health care for women of all ages. These services include checkups with an OB/GYN, primary care screenings, midwifery services, and many others. Our specialties also include breast health, reproductive health, and treatment of gynecological cancer. Programs we offer include the global Baby Friendly program, perinatal classes, and five mid-life screenings in our 5 for Life program.
As part of an academic health center, we work closely with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the University of Utah School of Medicine, which is heavily involved in ongoing research.
Find A Women's Health Specialist
Perinatal Education
These classes are designed to assist you and your loved ones in meeting the up-coming changes in your lives...
Baby Friendly
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global program sponsored by the World Health Organization...
5 for Life
This event makes it convenient for women to get lifesaving tests for heart disease, breast cancer, cervical cancer...
Donate Blankets for Newborns
Donate blankets for newborns born at University Hospital...
Phases of a Woman's Life
Adolescents & Teens
During adolescence, as you know, your body begins to change with puberty and your menstrual cycle begins. You are also going through emotional changes, which are part of forming your own unique identity...
Young Adulthood - 20s
Life in your 20s is about integrating different roles. Health issues tend to reflect career and marital decisions, as well as the special health needs associated with pregnancy and childbirth...