
Ready Added in 2.0.0

Create dot leaders for pricing menus or tables of contents.

A leader, also known as a dot leader or a tab leader, is a repeating pattern used to visually connect content across horizontal spaces. It is most commonly used for restaurant menus, between the meals and prices, and for tables of contents, between titles and page numbers.


To apply this component, add the gls-leader attribute to the element on the left. A line of characters, by default dots, will then fill the remaining space between the item and its adjacent element.

<div gls-leader></div>
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • <div class="gls-grid-small" gls-grid>
        <div class="gls-width-expand" gls-leader>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>

Fill character

To change the dot to any custom character, just add the fill: STRING option to the attribute.

<div gls-leader="fill: -"></div>
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • <div class="gls-grid-small" gls-grid>
        <div class="gls-width-expand" gls-leader="fill: -">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>

Note The default fill character can be set through a CSS variable.

.gls-leader-fill-content::before { content: '.'; }
:root { --gls-leader-fill-content: '.'; }


It’s possible to disable the leader for different device widths by applying the media option to the attribute and adding the appropriate viewport width. Add a number in pixels, for example media: 640, or a breakpoint, for example media: @m. The leader will be shown from the specified viewport width and upwards, but not below.

<div gls-leader="media: @m"></div>

Component options

The table below lists the available settings of the gls-leader attribute. Learn more

Option Value Default Description
fill String `` Optional fill character.
media Number, String false Condition for the space filling - a width as integer (e.g. 640) or a breakpoint (e.g. @s, @m, @l, @xl) or any valid media query (e.g. (min-width: 900px)).


Learn more about JavaScript components.


Gloss.leader(element, options);