
Beta Added in 2.0.0

Steppers indicate progress of a sequence of steps.


To apply this component, use the following classes.

Class Description
.gls-stepper Add this class to a <ol> element to define the Stepper component. Use <a> elements as steps within the list.
.gls-active Add this class to a list item to apply an active state to a step item.
<ol class="gls-stepper">
    <li><a href="#">Step 1</a></li>
    <li class="gls-active"><a href="#">Step 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Step 3</a></li>
    1. Step 1
    2. Step 2
    3. Step 3
    4. Step 4
  • <ol class="gls-stepper">
            <a href="#" gls-tooltip="Step 1">Step 1</a>
        <li class="gls-active">
            <a href="#" gls-tooltip="Step 2">Step 2</a>
            <a href="#" gls-tooltip="Step 3">Step 3</a>
            <a href="#" gls-tooltip="Step 4">Step 4</a>


When to use

  • To break up a long form or interaction into three or more steps
  • To communicate how many total steps there are in a process
  • To reassure the user they’re making progress in a long process
  • To communicate the success or failure of each step in a process

When to consider something else

  • Navigation for situations when users do not need to complete all steps of a process
  • For general page-to-page navigation, use components like the header and breadcrumb navigation
  • For navigation between the pages of a specific subsection, use a menu
  • For normal lists, use ordered or unordered lists

Implementation notes

  • Keep labels short (1-2 words)
  • Step markers for completed steps should function as links to those completed steps
  • Avoid providing users with links to future steps before they have completed the current step

Accessibility notes

  • A step marker must always have a .rvt-steps__label element that contains plain text, regardless of the contents of the .rvt-steps__indicator element
  • Add the aria-current="step" attribute to a .rvt-steps__item-content element to indicate the current step
  • Use the aria-hidden="true" attribute to hide .rvt_steps__indicator elements from screen readers if the .rvt_steps__label element already has the number of step in it, like “Step 3”
  • Put text hidden by the .rvt-sr-only class inside the .rvt-steps__indicator element to communicate a step’s status to users of assistive technologies