A collection of utility classes to style text.
Combine this component with the Heading component to style your content.
Style modifiers
Gloss offers various text utilities to style your text.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-lead |
Add this class to highlight text, for example in article subtitles. |
.gls-text-meta |
Font size
The following classes will modify the font size of your text.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-xsmall |
Add this class to decrease the font size to 12px. |
.gls-text-small |
Add this class to decrease the font size to 14px. |
.gls-text-default |
Add this class to set default the font size. |
.gls-text-large |
Add this class to increase the font size to 24px. |
.gls-text-xlarge |
Add this class to increase the font size to 32px. |
Font weight
Add one of the following classes to modify the font weight of your text.
Note We don’t provide all Sofia Pro font weights in our CSS.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-hairline |
Add this class to set the font weight to 100. |
.gls-text-thin |
Add this class to set the font weight to 200. |
.gls-text-light |
Add this class to set the font weight to 300. |
.gls-text-regular |
Add this class to set the font weight to 400. |
.gls-text-medium |
Add this class to set the font weight to 500. |
.gls-text-semibold |
Add this class to set the font weight to 600. |
.gls-text-bold |
Add this class to set the font weight to 700. |
.gls-text-extrabold |
Add this class to set the font weight to 800. |
.gls-text-black |
Add this class to set the font weight to 900. |
Letter spacing
The following classes will modify the letter spacing of your text.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-tighter |
Add this class to decrease the letter spacing the most. |
.gls-text-tight |
Add this class to decrease the letter spacing. |
.gls-text-normal |
Add this class to remove letter spacing. |
.gls-text-wide |
Add this class to increase the letter spacing. |
.gls-text-wider |
Add this class to increase the letter spacing more. |
.gls-text-widest |
Add this class to increase the letter spacing the most. |
Font style
Add the .gls-text-italic
class to create italic text.
Text transform
The following classes will transform text into uppercased, capitalized or lowercased characters.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-uppercase |
Add this class to transform your text to uppercase. |
.gls-text-capitalize |
Add this class to transform your text to capitalize. |
.gls-text-lowercase |
Add this class to transform your text to lowercase. |
Text decoration
Add the .gls-text-decoration-none
class to remove any text decoration from a link.
Text color
Use one of these classes to apply a different color to text elements.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-muted |
Add this class to mute text. |
.gls-text-emphasis |
Add this class to emphasize text. |
.gls-text-primary |
Add this class to emphasize text with the primary color. |
.gls-text-secondary |
Add this class to emphasize text with the secondary color. |
.gls-text-success |
Add this class to indicate success. |
.gls-text-warning |
Add this class to indicate a warning. |
.gls-text-danger |
Add this class to indicate danger. |
.gls-text-info |
Add this class to indicate information. |
Text background
To apply a gradient or background image to text, add the .gls-text-background
class to a <span>
element inside the text element. Styles that don’t define a background-image
, will apply the primary color.
<h1><span class="gls-text-background"></span></h1>
Text alignment
Add one of these useful classes to align your text.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-left |
Aligns text to the left. |
.gls-text-right |
Aligns text to the right. |
.gls-text-center |
Centers text horizontally. |
.gls-text-justify |
Justifies text. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr..gls-text-right
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr..gls-text-center
<div class="gls-child-width-1-3@s gls-grid-small" gls-grid> <div> <div class="gls-card gls-card-default gls-card-small"> <div class="gls-text-left gls-card-body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. <code>.gls-text-left</code> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="gls-card gls-card-default gls-card-small"> <div class="gls-text-right gls-card-body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. <code>.gls-text-right</code> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="gls-card gls-card-default gls-card-small"> <div class="gls-text-center gls-card-body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. <code>.gls-text-center</code> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Gloss provides a number of responsive alignment classes. Basically, they work just like the usual alignment classes, except that they have suffixes that represent the breakpoint from which they come to effect.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-left@s .gls-text-center@s .gls-text-right@s |
Affects device widths of 640px and larger. |
.gls-text-left@m .gls-text-center@m .gls-text-right@m |
Affects device widths of 960px and larger. |
.gls-text-left@l .gls-text-center@l .gls-text-right@l |
Affects device widths of 1200px and larger. |
.gls-text-left@xl .gls-text-center@xl .gls-text-right@xl |
Affects device widths of 1600px and larger. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr..gls-text-right@l
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr..gls-text-center@m
<div class="gls-child-width-1-3@s gls-grid-small" gls-grid> <div> <div class="gls-card gls-card-default gls-card-small"> <div class="gls-text-center@s gls-card-body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. <code>.gls-text-center@s</code> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="gls-card gls-card-default gls-card-small"> <div class="gls-text-right@l gls-card-body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. <code>.gls-text-right@l</code> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="gls-card gls-card-default gls-card-small"> <div class="gls-text-center@m gls-card-body"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr. <code>.gls-text-center@m</code> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Vertical alignment
Add one of these classes to vertically align text to an object.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-top |
Aligns text to the top. |
.gls-text-middle |
Centers text vertically. |
.gls-text-bottom |
Aligns text to the bottom. |
.gls-text-baseline |
Aligns text to the baseline. |
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
<div class="gls-child-width-1-3@m gls-child-width-1-2@s" gls-grid> <div> <img src="https://utahhealthcare.github.io/gloss-docs/images/avatar.jpg" width="50" height="50"> <span class="gls-text-top">Lorem ipsum.</span> </div> <div> <img src="https://utahhealthcare.github.io/gloss-docs/images/avatar.jpg" width="50" height="50"> <span class="gls-text-middle">Lorem ipsum.</span> </div> <div> <img src="https://utahhealthcare.github.io/gloss-docs/images/avatar.jpg" width="50" height="50"> <span class="gls-text-bottom">Lorem ipsum.</span> </div> </div>
Text wrapping
Add one of these useful classes to wrap your text.
Class | Description |
.gls-text-truncate |
Prevents text from wrapping into multiple lines, truncating it and displaying an ellipsis instead. |
.gls-text-break |
Breaks strings, if their length exceeds the width of their container. |
.gls-text-nowrap |
Prevents text from wrapping into multiple lines. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipiscingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporincididuntutlaboreetdoloremagnaaliqua.
<div class="gls-child-width-1-2@s" gls-grid> <div> <div class="gls-panel gls-text-truncate">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</div> </div> <div> <div class="gls-panel gls-text-break">Loremipsumdolorsitamet,consecteturadipiscingelit,seddoeiusmodtemporincididuntutlaboreetdoloremagnaaliqua.</div> </div> </div>